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Boggs Summit Bulldogs and Papillons
Raising a few bulldogs for conformation and temperament
Our Awesome Customers and their pups!
Vince and Muffiin 3-7-14 Such a nice visit! Lovely family Met in Lebanon,MO
Muffin, 2 years old - 2016
Antony and buddies came to pick up Elsa on 3-7-14. What a fun time we had. They got to experience our Missour Pet Breeders Asso. Seminar. We had such fun!
Elsa in her new home. 3-8-14
Karen's Bella and Ellie Summer of 2015
KAYLA and KATO become buddies! November 2014
Kato aka Fonzie, and Kayla February 2015
Stella Bear (2012) and Sloan (2014 aka Whitey. July of 2014. Both deaf dogs.
Meredith is an awesome customer who didn't know she was going to be an example of "deaf dog owners". Such a wonderful young lady committed to her love of bulldogs. Fantastic photo!
Stella and Sloan Feb.2015
Sloan at Christmas time 2015
Sloan is Supervising Stella. Amazing Deaf Dogs! Very proud of Meredith for how well she has trained them! 2015
Stella and Sloan - March 2017
Sloan is 2 years old. OMG how do they grow up so fast! Beautiful Deaf Pups with an awesome Bully Momma. I can't say enough about our awesome customer Meredith! Just ask me!!!
Ben and Erica come to get their new puppy "Winston" July 5, 2014
One lucky puppy and two lucky people.
Winston with his family. Sept. 2014
Winston Graduated Puppy Class! Sept. 2014
WINSTON, Ben, Erica, and Family Christmas 2015
TITAN aka BEAR, home with Lori. March 2014
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